Becoming a Freemason at Partick St. Mary’s Lodge No. 117

If you are interested in finding out more about becoming a freemason, please drop us an e-mail including your phone number to The Secretary or a Past Master of the Lodge will then contact you for a chat and answer any questions you might have. If you are still interested, a private meeting will be arranged between yourself and the Secretary and a Past Master of the Lodge.

Should you then wish to take any further action, a small group of Senior Brethren of the Lodge will arrange to meet with you and they would ultimately be your supporters in your application. There is nothing to be concerned about, these meetings are to help you and put you at ease. It will allow you to get to know us too.

They will then arrange an Enquiry for yourself with senior members of the Lodge. All being well, your name will go before to the Brethren at the next Lodge meeting for your candidature to be approved. If approved, a time will be placed in the programme at a convenient time for your initiation ceremony. Your sponsors will explain what is involved and reassure you if you have heard any alarming reports as to what that may entail. Remember, Freemasonry is about Brotherly Love, Relief and Truth.

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