On Wednesday the 4th of December 2024, I had the honour and Privilege of being installed as Master of Partick Saint Mary’s Lodge No 117.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the Brethren who took the time to elect me to this position.

I would like to thank everyone who took part in my installation ceremony, and for all of the organisation which went into this behind the scenes in making this a truly memorably evening for me.

I will be looking forward to welcoming visiting Brethren to our Lodge and for us to visit other lodges within our western district Lodges, and to lodges within and out with the Provence of Glasgow.

I will do my upmost to continue to build on these existing friendships that have already been established by our Past Masters.

Yours Fraternally

Brother Andrew Buchanan
Partick St Mary’s Lodge No 117 



Welcome Brother, Friend, Guest to the website of Partick St. Mary’s Lodge No. 117

We thank you for taking the opportunity to visit our website and trust your visit will prove interesting and fruitful, that, you may return frequently, or pursue through our channel further information about Freemasonry. This of course can be obtained from the website of ‘The Grand Lodge of Scotland’.

For events go to the Calendar page.

About Us

Partick St. Mary”s Lodge No. 117 was Chartered by the ‘Grand Lodge of Scotland’ on 29th March 1769 and therefore has an unbroken history and tradition of over Two Hundred and Forty Nine years.

A brief account of the Lodge history is available on a link attached to this site for your interest and perusal.
Similarly a link outlining our aims, which is readily available via the ‘The Grand Lodge of Scotland’ website.

The Official Lodge history of Partick St. Mary’s Lodge No. 117 was written by Brother Thomas A. Bell, Right Worshipful Master, 1945 – 46.

The Lodge is situated in the heart of Glasgow’s cosmopolitan and popular West End, a stone’s throw from Glasgow University, the only other local institution which can lay claim to being older than the Lodge.

Since the Lodge’s early inception as a village Lodge in the mid 18th Century it has continuously  met within the boundaries of the Partick area with few exceptions.

Presently we meet at the Masonic Temple,  92 Dumbarton Road, Partick, Glasgow G11 6NX , where the Lodge has met without,
break since 1908.

In 2008 we commemorated our hundredth year within the Hall with a Re-consecration of our Temple.
The Lodge in its present form is diverse and eclectic in its membership and in the universal nature of our institution, has inclusive of its membership Greek, Romanian, French, Dutch and Ghanaian in addition to its indigenous Brethren.

The Lodge meets on the First and Third Wednesday of each month from September to May and endeavours to sustain a varied programme of activities.

Likewise, as Freemasons, we all have an obligation to undertake charitable activities in the wider community and a list of those charitable donations
are listed

If you are not familiar with our Lodge and this is your first contact we would be pleased to hear from you! You can reach us by our contact us page or
if in the other hand you are interested in joining our Fraternity or brotherhood, please view our ‘Becoming a Freemason’ page.

No photo description available.

The 250th Anniversary of Partick St. Mary’s Lodge 117

The Lodge’s Bicenquinquagenary or 250th Anniversary was held on Saturday 30th March 2019 at Partick Burgh Halls. Go to the 250th Anniversary page for more information.


In conclusion, may I thank you for visiting our site and extend to you our good wishes and  continued health, on behalf of  the Master, Past Masters, Office Bearers and  Brethren of this distinguished and Ancient Lodge


Bro. Andrew Buchanan

Partick St. Mary”s Lodge No. 117